(show minerals of the locality)
Habrůvka, NPR Habrůvecká bučina
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Hagendorf Nord, Oberpfalz
(show minerals of the locality)
Hagendorf Süd, Oberpfalz
(show minerals of the locality)
Háje u Příbramě
(show minerals of the locality)
Háje, Krušné hory, důl Glück mit Freuden
(show minerals of the locality)
Háje, Krušné hory, důl Heilige Dreifaltigkeit
(show minerals of the locality)
Háje, Krušné hory, důl JD1
(show minerals of the locality)
Háje, Krušné hory, důl Segen Gottes
(show minerals of the locality)
Háje, Krušné hory, důl Wilhelm
(show minerals of the locality)
Háje, Krušné hory, průzkum UD u potoka Černá
(show minerals of the locality)
Háje, Krušné hory, štola Gotthold
(show minerals of the locality)
Háje, Potůčky
(show minerals of the locality)
halda dolu Alexander u Duchcova
(show minerals of the locality)
halda dolu Kukla, Oslavany
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Hamadah al Hamra
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Handan, Hubei
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Harrachov, žíla Oldřich
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Haupental Scharte
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Hazlov u Chebu
(show minerals of the locality)
Hazlov u Aše
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Helgustadir mine
(show minerals of the locality)
Hennenkobel, Rabenstein
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Hilarion mine, Laurion
(show minerals of the locality)
Hliník nad Hronom
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Hodruša - Hámre
(show minerals of the locality)
Hodruša Hámre
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Hodruša-Hámre, halda
(show minerals of the locality)
Hodruša-Hámre, štola Florián
(show minerals of the locality)
Hohenstein, Erongo
(show minerals of the locality)
Holoubkov, Ouzký
(show minerals of the locality)
Hončova Hůrka
(show minerals of the locality)
Hončova hůrka
(show minerals of the locality)
Hončova hůrka
(show minerals of the locality)
Hora Svaté Kateřiny
(show minerals of the locality)
Hora svaté Kateřiny
(show minerals of the locality)
Hora Svatého Šebestiána
(show minerals of the locality)
Hora svatého Šebestiána
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Horka u Staré Paky
(show minerals of the locality)
Horka u Staré Paky, Zlatnice
(show minerals of the locality)
Horky u Čáslavi
(show minerals of the locality)
Horná Roveň
(show minerals of the locality)
Horné Srnie
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Benešov
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Blatná
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní blatná
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Blatná, Concordia
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Blatná, Segen Gottes
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Blatná, štola Augustin
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Blatná, žíla Marie Terezie
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Bory
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní bory
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Halže
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Halže
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Halže - Apolenka
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Halže (černá)
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Halže, Apolena
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Hoštice
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Hrad, Krušné Hory
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Kalná
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Lazy
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Malá Úpa
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Rokytnice
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Rozmyšl
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Slavkov
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní slavkov
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Slavkov - Krásno
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Slavkov # 11
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Slavkov # 15
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Slavkov # 7
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Slavkov # 8
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Slavkov # 9
(show minerals of the locality)
Horní Slavkov, štola Barbora
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Hory u K.Varů
(show minerals of the locality)
Hory u Předína
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Hot Springs - Arkansas
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Høydalen, Tørdal
(show minerals of the locality)
Hradec Kralové
(show minerals of the locality)
Hradec Králové
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Hradiště u Kadaně
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Hranice na Moravě
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Hsianghua Ridge
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Huang Gang
(show minerals of the locality)
(show minerals of the locality)
Huber, Horní Slavkov
(show minerals of the locality)
Huber, Krásno
(show minerals of the locality)
Hubský peň, Horní Slavkov
(show minerals of the locality)
Hubský peň, Krásno
(show minerals of the locality)
Hubský peň, Krásno
(show minerals of the locality)
Hůrky u Čisté
(show minerals of the locality)
Hůrky u Rakovníka
(show minerals of the locality)
Hutag Ull Ord
(show minerals of the locality)
Hutag Ull Ord
(show minerals of the locality)
Hutag Ull Ord
(show minerals of the locality)
Hutag Ull Ord
(show minerals of the locality)
Hutě u Bechyně
(show minerals of the locality)
Hynčice pod Sušinou
(show minerals of the locality)