
Mineral Fakes, Frauds and Scams

Mineral Fakes, Frauds and Scams

Mineral frauds and fakes can be found at any mineral show, large or small. This guide to common scam practice is far from complete, but it will help you to avoid being fooled by dishonest dealers.


Diamond - the extreme King of Gems

Diamond - the extreme King of Gems

Diamonds are forever, and they are a girl's best friend, but as minerals go they are not just another pretty face. Noted from ancient times for beauty, brawn and mystery - and today for impacting a broad segment of modern life - diamonds stand out as one of the most exceptional of all minerals.


Fluorite - the Rainbow Beauty

Fluorite - the Rainbow Beauty

Fluorite is known as one of the very important industrial minerals and it is also the only widespread natural source of fluorine. Many mineral collectors are interested in fluorite because of its beauty, richness of forms and its broad spectrum of colors.


Best Outdoor Gear for Mineral Collectors

Best Outdoor Gear for Mineral Collectors

Rockhounding is a great outdoor activity which combines exploration, science, hard work and what can be strenuous hiking. Whether you are going to a drive-in site, a quarry, or exploring a remote outcrop, you will need to think hard about what you need to bring in order to make sure you have everything you could need for your trip.


Pyrite - the fools gold

Pyrite - the fools gold

Pyrite is much more commonly known in laymans terms as fools gold. This is because, when gold mining was popular, pyrite could often be mistaken for gold due to its shining gold exterior. Of course, they are actually quite different minerals, but to the untrained eye, the mistake could be an easy one to make.


Rožná Mine, Czech Republic - the last uranium mine in the EU

Rožná Mine, Czech Republic - the last uranium mine in the EU

Rožná Mine was the European Union's last operating uranium mine. Although the mine is located in Dolní Rožínka, its underground span reaches under several other localities. Being one of the last European ore mines, the Rožná was a great place to see a classic example of underground mining.


Gypsum - the soft beauty

Gypsum - the soft beauty

Gypsum is the most commonly found form of sulfate in the world. It is used in the creation of cement, plasterboard and in sheet rock. And in some forms, such as alabaster, it is a frequent component in pottery. Some people even include gypsum into their fertilizers. This mineral is popular with collectors, but it is not often used in jewelry due to its softness.


Feldspars - all about the plagioclases and K-feldspars

Feldspars - all about the plagioclases and K-feldspars

Feldspars are alumosilicates of alcalic metals and form a significant portion of many volcanic and metamorphic rocks. As such, they are one of the most important mineral groups on the Earths surface: some estimate that they form between 50-60 % of the Earths crust. Their content in most sedimentary rocks is much less significant.


Best Tools for Mineral Collecting

Best Tools for Mineral Collecting

Successful mineral collecting usually strongly depends on your tools. Starting out with quality tools will save you time and money and are much safer. The tools you choose will often limit what you will be able to dig or chisel out of the ground.